Private Schools

Private School Exceptional Student Education Services and Supports

Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) requires that school districts locate, identify, and evaluate at public expense students who are parentally placed at private schools and who are suspected of having disabilities and needing special education and related services. This is part of the general school district responsibility, known as child find.

School districts must make available a free appropriate public education (FAPE) via an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) to those parentally-placed students who are evaluated at public expense and determined to have disabilities if the student enrolls in and attends public school. The requirement to make available a free appropriate public education does not extend to private school settings when children with disabilities are parentally placed in those settings.

There is no individual entitlement of parentally-placed private school students to receive special education services. However, some students may receive services under a Service Plan. Please use the link or QR below to request a meeting to consider a service plan based on the services the district has agreed to provide for the current school year. 

Please remember - Services are only available to parentally-placed students with disabilities (ESE) who attend nonprofit, participating private schools within Brevard County and must be ESE eligible (have an existing IEP or found eligible through IDEA).

When a parent/legal guardian requests services for an already identified Exceptional Student Education (ESE) student, a meeting is scheduled to consider developing a Service Plan.

Parents/Legal Guardians may click below to request a meeting to consider a Service Plan.

This Link will be active on August 6, 2024.

  • Service Plan Meeting Request Link – Click HERE 

  • Service Plan Meeting Request QR Code -

QR Code

Florida Department of Education Private School Links and Resources

Annual Consultation Meeting PowerPoint Presentation - Click Here

Contact Information

ESE Support Specialist for Private Schools

Dr. Suzanne O'Neill
Email Dr. Suzanne O'Neill
321-242-1411 Ext. 48911

Student Services, Assistant Director

Rochelle Moran
Email Rochelle Moran
321-633-1000 Ext. 11558